Please go to our Blog page for updates regarding JobKeeper, Business Stimulus Package and other Government initiatives as well as exclusive business tools
As you will have seen there is escalating concerns for Australians around coronavirus.

We are updating you with the plans that we have put in place to ensure there is minimum disruption in our services to you.
These steps are being taken to ensure the health of both our clients and staff and in line with the current guidelines provided.
Effective from Monday 23 March 2020 our office will be closed to all clients and visitors until further notice. Our office will continue to be staffed and operate as per normal. You should continue to book appointments which will be conducted by telephone.
Our investment in software and hardware innovations allow clients to supply documents and receive documents via our secure client portal as PDFs. Documents such as tax returns and reports, can be approved for changes and lodgement by utilising our secure digital signature technology. Therefore, our service delivery should remain the same.
Should you need to provide any supporting paperwork to the office you can:
Simply scan and email to
Upload information to our client portal – If you are currently not a portal user please contact the office and the team can assist you in setting this up
Place into our letterboxes labelled 23 or 24, however it may become impossible to access these if we are required to close, therefore email is preferred.
Should it become necessary to close the office, all staff have the capacity to work from home however our phone will then be diverted to voicemail. Please, wherever possible, contact us via email at and we will respond to you more quickly.
Should our team be disrupted by illness, our service delivery may take a little longer. We know that you will understand.
The virus and potential implications are changing constantly, and we will continue to review our operations based on advice from the relevant authorities. Please follow this link for the official Australian Government updates. Coronavirus 2019 Health Update (COVID-19).
Should you have queries or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact our administration team at Simon Jones & Co on 03 9742 3844 or via